Commit. Reset. Find Your Freedom.

14-Day Sugar Vaca

Certified Health Coach Rhianne Berardi

What is the Sugar Vaca?

This is a 2-week [fully supported] online sugar detox that will free you from the cravings, strengthen your immune system & leave you feeling better than ever.

You’ll probably lose weight. But, it’s not about that.

——It’s not a cleanse or a diet——


Commit. Here’s why...

The Six Sugar Shockers

Refined sugar is a legalized recreational pleasure DRUG.

One that has shown to be 8 times more addictive than cocaine (those mid-afternoon cravings and late-night binges are not from a lack of willpower. It’s your brain that’s hooked on the sweet stuff!).


Sugar (not fat) is what makes us gain unwanted weight.

—especially in the belly.


It has a nutritional value of ZERO. 

It actually pulls existing nutrients from our body in order to metabolize it. 


Refined sugar is highly processed and inflammatory.

Chronic inflammation in the body leads to loads of health issues, disorders, and chronic diseases (we are talking about everything from acne, premature skin aging, mood disorders and poor concentration to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, stroke and dementia).



Sugar breaks down muscle.

And muscle is what burns fat and keeps us lean!).


The amount of sugar the average American consumes in 1 day is more than 3 times what we should be taking in. Our body can’t handle it. It’s literally killing us.



You are here because you are addicted, at least slightly, to sugar.

It’s OK, I’ve been there too. I’m here to tell you—it’s not your fault. Sugar is holding your brain and your blood sugar hostage right now. It’s truly a biochemical issue and your body needs a big break (aka a VACATION) from sugar & white flour foods.

It’s 14 days to:

  • Get better energy

  • Eliminate cravings

  • Reset your hormones to support fat loss

  • Strengthen your immune system

  • Improve concentration and focus

  • Discover glowing skin

  • Prove to yourself that YOU CAN DO IT!

During the 14-Day Sugar Vaca:

  • You will eliminate the high-glycemic and pro-inflammatory foods that cause hormonal imbalances, inflammation, excess bad bacteria and yeast, and insulin resistance (just to name a few!).

  • You will allow your body to reset. Think about saying goodbye to sugar cravings and brain fog, and hello to better energy, easier fat loss, and clearer skin.

Looking for more “sciencey” details about what will happen in your body after the 14-Day Sugar Vaca?

  • Your blood sugar will regulate. Your insulin response will become more efficient at removing sugar from the blood allowing your body to burn more fat as fuel.

  • Your dopamine sensitivity will increase. Your body will require less sugar to receive that feel good response you get from your brain.

  • Your gut microbiome will produce more good bacteria. Your immune system will be stronger and better able to fight diseases, viruses and cravings.

  • Your taste buds will wake up! Naturally sweet foods will become more satisfying and processed sweets may turn you off completely.

Feel the FreedomWhy wait to feel better?

It’s time to conquer those food battles, cravings, negative thought patterns, and all that other nasty stuff that is stealing your precious time and energy.

—It’s time to get your freedom back—

Success Story(ies)

This 14-Day Sugar Vaca is for you, if you:

  • Crave something sweet after meals

  • Feel like a slug in the afternoon (hello again, munchkins from the morning meeting!)

  • Tend to over do it on foods like bread, pasta and sweets

  • Feel moody and tired for NO reason

  • Think you have lost control with food

    (^That used to be me too. ALL of the above! But since I’ve committed to yearly sugar detoxes, all of these frustrating sugar side effects have dissipated.)

Rhianne Berardi—14-Day Sugar Vaca

And you won't do it alone!


Do you know the #1 reason why people fail during a sugar detox?


Lack of support and preparation.

During this 14-Day Sugar Vaca, you will be fully supported by me (your health coach) who knows all about sugar detoxes—personally and professionally.

You’ll also be joining an incredible community of people who are also kicking sugar to the curb. Friends who are sharing similar struggles and good tips they learn along the way.

Let’s gather up even more support with a Sugar Vaca Buddy System!

Get 2 friends to do the Vaca with you and you will get a FREE one-on-one coaching session with me! I would love to support you more closely!

We call this 2-week sugar detox a “vaca” because:

  1. You are taking a vacation away from sugar, and

  2. When you commit to it, you will feel more connected to your body. You will learn things about yourself and discover new ways of eating. You will feel grounded and in control. You will feel better physically and emotionally.

What will you get?

Starting on September 17, you will receive all the tools you need to be successful in detoxing from sugar.

The tangibles:
(delivered to your inbox starting on 9/17)

  • Food Guide: Your guide on what you can EAT, what you should AVOID and what you should LIMIT for 14 days.

  • Recipes: Delicious, nutrient-dense recipes to help you stay full and satisfied throughout the two weeks (I promise you will never be hungry!).

  • Shopping Lists: Hit the grocery store with confidence and grab all the groceries and pantry items you need support a successful Sugar Vaca. *Bonus Trader Joe’s shopping list!

The non-negotiables: (live starting on 9/20)

  • Support: 24/7 support on a private Facebook group page where tips, tricks and inspiration will be shared each day. 

  • Accountability: Daily check-ins on what to expect and how to manage your detox safely. 

  • Education: Accurate information on refined sugar: why it’s addictive and harmful to our health, and the tools you need to continue your health journey post-detox.

  • LIVE Health Coaching: An incredibly high valued feature added to the Sugar Vaca program. Rhianne will be offering LIVE coaching on the private Facebook page every other day throughout the program. This is unparalleled real-time personalized support!

  • HypnoBreathwork® {Subconscious Support}: Certified Master Hypnotherapist & HypnoBreathwork Coach, Julie Costa, will lead you in a LIVE HypnoBreathwork® session. This experience aims to liberate your subconscious beliefs regarding food and sugar, facilitating a successful reprogramming of your inner beliefs. By reshaping these subconscious beliefs that may hinder your progress, the subsequent "how" – your next actionable steps – becomes significantly more manageable!

    HypnoBreathwork® is an innovative technique that combines breathwork to release suppressed emotions and energetic patterns from your nervous system, hypnosis to reshape subconscious beliefs, and visioning to forge new neural pathways for lasting behavior change. This unique blend expedites trance-induced states, addressing unprocessed emotions at their core and empowering you to take intuitive action towards creating the life you desire!

How does it work? All the details you need:

  • Start: LIVE Kick-off & Prep Session on Friday, September 20 at 12 PM eastern time with the actual 14-day detox beginning on Monday, September 23 at 12 AM. (A recording of the Kick-off Zoom session will be emailed if you can’t attend live!)

  • End: Sunday, October 6 at 11:59 PM

  • Sign-up: Click here!

  • How/Where: Kick-off webinar on Zoom and then everything else will take place on our Private Facebook group (this includes daily info, videos and LIVE coaching sessions with Rhianne)—I will send you a personal invite to join the Facebook page.

  • Investment in your health: $189

Bonus Offer: The Sugar Vaca Buddy System!!

Refer 2 friends and receive a FREE health coaching session with Rhianne. (Valued at $350)

This virtual 60-minute one-on-one coaching session is an incredible opportunity to either:

1. receive personalized coaching around any challenges, mindset blocks or dietary concerns during the two-week Sugar Vaca
- or -
2. talk through any concerns while transitioning out of the program and create positive action steps for moving forward post Sugar Vaca.

*In order to receive the 1:1 session, your 2 friends must share your name in the referral box at checkout. Once we receive those two referrals, you will be emailed with a link to schedule your personalized coaching session. You can choose to have your coaching session during or after the 14-Day Sugar Vaca.

Meet Rhianne

Integrative Health Coach, Yoga Teacher, Mom, and someone who believes everyone can lose unwanted weight and live a healthy life with ease.

Want to know more about me? Check out my About page.

Have any questions? Email Rhianne at for more info.