Mindful weight loss
that fits into
your life & celebrates your body

with Holistic Health Coach, Rhianne Berardi

mindful weight loss with rhianne ready to yoga & workout, looking in the mirror-celebrate your body
Mindful weight loss with Rhianne of Believe in Your Health wearing a pink dress, hand on chin, smiling
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One-on-One Coaching

Group Coaching

Guided Grocery Experiences

Yoga & Breathwork

Holistic Health Coaching

One-on-One Coaching ★ Group Coaching ★ Guided Grocery Experiences ★ Yoga & Breathwork ★ Holistic Health Coaching ★


Do we really need to punish ourselves to lose weight?

That’s what I believed for a long time. The first 5 years of my career, I was stuck in a vicious cycle of restricting foods and overexercising Monday - Thursday, giving in to the office donuts and overeating all the take-out, then back to eating less and exercising more every Monday as punishment for being “bad”.

Guess what? It didn’t work. I felt stuck, sad, and ended up heavier than ever.

It wasn’t until I found yoga—and deeper mind-body connection—that I was able to mindfully lose the weight, for good

No punishing workouts, no tasteless diet meals. Just working with my body’s unique needs to create a routine that felt fun, effortless, and completely ME.

rhianne smiling and relaxing with laptop
mindful-weight-loss-rhianne eating a sandwich, eat what your body needs

As a holistic health coach and yoga teacher, here’s what I’ve come to BELIEVE:


There is no one-size-fits-all diet.

What works for me might not work for you. We all have a unique metabolic type and biology – meaning our bodies respond differently to different foods. The magic happens when you step outside the “diet rules” and what worked for “her.” Together, we can find nourishes your unique body so you can work with it, not against it. It’s a lot easier that way too!

Mindset plays a CRUCIAL role in your weight loss.

Until you learn to shift your mindset from how you look to how you FEEL, you’re never going to find happiness with your body. That’s why I always work with the body and mind for weight loss. The great part? When you feel better about yourself, your stress levels go down and you can lose weight more effortlessly. It’s a win-win.


Restriction and punishment don’t work in the long term.

Drastically limiting calories disrupts both your hormone balance and metabolism, while ongoing deprivation increases stress levels, leading to more weight gain. When you add in the self-inflicted punishment that usually comes with all that restriction, it’s easy to find yourself overwhelmed with negativity, wanting to give up, and questioning whether you could ever have a healthy relationship with food and your body. Trust me, I know because I’ve been there.


rhianne at gym, hanging on ropes, big smiles

Ready to stop beating yourself up and find a way to work with your unique body and lifestyle?

Success Story(ies)

14-Day Sugar Vaca course on ipad, laptop and iphone screens


The 14-Day Sugar Vaca!

A 14-day sugar detox program done in a fun, supportive online group! Our next LIVE round begins in September 2024!

Break free from pesky sugar cravings, balance your hormones, reset your healthy habits, strengthen your immune system, and boost your energy levels!

You will be fully supported by Rhianne (your health coach) and an incredible group of like-minded people who are cheering you on the whole way. 

Ready to join the Sugar Vaca revolution?

I am looking forward to taking on the 14-Day Sugar Vaca again. It changed my perception of food in a good way forever! The benefits were beyond what I imagined. I’m signed up - come on a Vaca with me!
— Diane


Let’s find what works for You!

Mindful fat (and weight) loss for smart, busy women who are ready for less push, more ease. 

There’s no one-size-fits-all way to lose weight. That’s why when we work together, I’ll help you find what nourishes you, what helps your body feel amazing, and what helps you lose weight…gradually but effortlessly. 

So you can stick with it for life. 

Learn more about working together and book a free Discovery Session below.

rhianne standing at a high-top table while coaching from her laptop
rhianne's signature