Can I Really Lose Fat By Walking?
Is walking really exercise? Can I really lose weight by walking? I didn’t think so until I learned the truth at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Fat loss isn’t just about calories in vs. calories out. It’s very much hormonal and everything we do (from what we eat, how we sleep, and if we stress out) affects our hormones and therefore our waistline.
Most forms of exercise produce a stress hormone called cortisol. When cortisol is present in the body, we are in fat-storage mode. The great news, however, is that walking is one of the only forms of exercise that LOWERS cortisol. This means it puts us in fat-burning mode. (This is a huge WOOOHOO for those of you who are trying to shed some pounds after the holidays!) We don’t necessarily have need to go harder or longer with exercise. The other benefit is that lower levels of cortisol typically mean more even hunger levels and less cravings. I know I can use that!
So are you going to make some time for a walk this week? If you live in the NE like me, bundle up and tackle both Old Man Winter and your fat loss goals at the same time!
**Quick Tip for the busy lady!**
One the best things I did to ensure I walked everyday was starting a WALKING CLUB at work. We would walk every afternoon. Sometimes it was for 15 minutes (if we were busy or if it was freezing out) and sometimes it was 45 minutes. We always had some great conversations (shout out to food for the soul!) and I always came back with great energy. After our walks, I was more productive and usually chose a healthier afternoon snack because of that walking club (shout-out to my Milton Academy and Shady Hill girls!)